Unapproved Satellite Dishes
Posted on Jan 18th, 2023
It has come to our attention that the satellite dishes are getting out of control. People are not requesting exterior modification before installing and they are placing their dishes in front of neighbors windows and in unapproved locations on the building. As we advance toward roof repair, we are recommending that you discontinue any future contracts to be extended as there may be a hard stop to satellite dish installation; they are NOT be approved throughout the community and will be removed entirely during roof installation and will be a by-law violation on all future installations. Please expect to get a violation for removing dishes anywhere on the face of a building; if left unmoved for 30 days, Mcshane will have a contractor remove and repair and costs will be assessed back to the owners. Reminder if you own a unit that has a satellite dish that is inactive or was mounted before your purchase, YOU ARE responsible for its removal as your inspection should have covered by-law issues.
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