East Bay Village
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Use the menu on the left to explore our community. Residents must register an account to access THIS site; the administrator will take 24-48 hours to grant access; if you do not get an emailed password, please request another access as some passwords did not generate an email over the last few months.  New buyers may take longer to access since paperwork needs to be recorded and reported so please send a message to the board if you have not been granted access within a week of purchase. Please contact us with comments, questions, suggestions or anything else to help make East Bay Village a more enjoyable place to live.  Go to the ASSOCIATION page FOR YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS FOR WORK ORDERS; this is a sperate registration.
~    News    ~
Road Repair
Posted on Jan 24th, 2025
We are working on road repair for the significant decline of pot holes in the community.  We are expecting significant repair in the next few years and want to find the most cost effective way to patch until that time.  Please understand that with heavy snow these patched repairs will happen after typical heavy snow and weather and thank you for your patience.
Assessment Information
Posted on Dec 19th, 2024
You should be receiving information by mail regarding an assessment for reserve shortages.  The decision was made to hold monthly dues steady and move toward an assessment.  More information will be disseminated at the annual meeting.  Payments are due Feb 1st.  If you have a need to work out any other payment arrangements other than full pay, please contact McShane directly. As a result of the assessment, please review all balances and pay in full with ANY outstanding balances including late fees, violations or repair balances before Feb 1st; $50 late fees will begin accruing for ANY shortages monthly in 2025.

~    Upcoming Events    ~
Wednesday, November 27th to Monday, March 31st
We will be going through a CRITICAL antifreeze replacement on our fire suppression systems. Per the Walled Lake Fire Marshall, it is critical to keep garage doors closed when not in IMMEDIATE use; that means short periods of time when actively in the garage.  They may not be left cracked open or propped open in any way.  Frozen pipes can cause serious damages.  All co-owners who rent their units are responsible for their tenant actions, so please make sure your tenants understand the responsibility of keeping these doors closed as well or you will be responsible for damages.  Additionally, all units MUST have heat when the units are not occupied at a recommended minimum of 65 degrees.  This is critical to prevent frozen pipes.

~ What's New ~
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